This genre is all about the romance, bow-chicka-bow-wow, good and bad (c’mon and admit that while you love this genre there have been some BAD eggs over the years). Books in this genre can range from the chaste (hello, Betty Neels) to the steamy (don’t have any at the moment) and from the adult to the YA. These are the romance books I have reviewed:
- Corliss by V.C. Andrews
- The Total Package by Stephanie Evanovich
- A Winter Affair by Minna Howard
- Coco Chanel Saved My Life by Danielle F. White
- Kaitlins Tale by Christine Amsden
- First Comes Love by Emily Giffin
- Cable Car Mystery by Greg Messel
- The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Romancing Christmas by Various Authors
- My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White
- Silver Bells by Various Authors
- Married One Night by Amber Leigh Williams
- A Girl to Love by Betty Neels
- Heaven Around the Corner by Betty Neels
- Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined by Rachael Anderson
- Immersed by Jennifer Griffith
- Second Chances 101 by Donna K Weaver
- Lost & Found by Karey White
- Righting a Wrong by Rachael Anderson
- Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin
- Loving in Time by A.E. Kirk
- Imperfect Love by Rebecca Talley
- Home Matters by Julie N Ford
- Love Like the Movies by Victoria Van Tiem
- ‘Til There Find You by Greta Bondieumaitre
- Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia
- Raspberries and Vinegar by Valerie Comer
- Grounded by Angela Correll
- Lord Haversham Takes Command by Heidi Ashworth