About the Author
Jennifer Griffith studied French, German, Japanese, and a wee bit of Spanish in her school days. Her grandmother was Norwegian, and Jennifer grew up with lots of Scandinavian traditions floating around, including fabulous cardamon laced cookies called Krumkaker, made on a fancy waffle iron. However, she’d never dream of trying to teach someone any of those languages. And she might botch the cookies. Instead, she writes novels in English, drives her five kids a million places, and laughs with her husband, who came up with the plot for Immersed because he’s just a cool muse like that.
Jennifer can be found on her website, Twitter, and on Facebook.
Book Information
Immersed by Jennifer Griffith
Publisher: HEA Publishing
Publication Date: February 18, 2014
Genre: Romance
Purchase: Amazon
Book Synopsis
“Lisette Pannebaker speaks five languages and has a brilliant business plan—personal language immersion. Clients can hire her to shadow them and speak all day in any language they need to learn for business or travel—whatever. But there’s a major hitch: she’s far too pretty. Clients with less than honorable intentions sign up just to have Lisette at their side. Solution? A make-under. Way under.
The bad wig, icky makeup and puffy sweaters work like a charm. None of her male clients show her the least bit of interest. Lisette’s totally relieved.
Erik Gunnarson is charming, kind, and smart—everything she’s ever looked for. Every day as his tutor is making her fall for him more. Even though he seems to have a secret, and she’s sworn she’d never date a client, Lisette is tempted to shed her disguise—although it could mean jeopardizing her career.“
The Ripple Effect Romance Series
“Like a pebble tossed into calm water, a simple act can ripple outward and have a far-reaching effect on those we meet, perhaps setting a life on a different course — one filled with excitement, adventure, and sometimes even love.”
Silver Linings is the second book in the Ripple Effect Romance Series. Come back in exactly two weeks for a review of Righting a Wrong and then every two weeks after that I will review the other books in the series. I will link the list below with all the reviews as I release them if you’d like to bookmark this page for future reference!”
Book 1: Home Matters by Julie N. Ford
Book 2: Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin
Book 3: Righting a Wrong by Rachel Anderson
Book 4: Lost and Found by Karey White
Book 5: Second Chance 101 by Donna K. Weaver
Book 6: Immersed by Jennifer Griffith
*NOTE: While these books are part of a series, they CAN be read individually without issue.
My Review
Immersed was by far my least favorite of the series. The connection between Immersed and Second Chances 101 is Alex’s daughter, Sam, is now living in Colorado and she is the one who gives Lisette her makeover. To be honest I actually only realized that she was the connection because at the end of Second Chances 101 in the excepert for Immersed it mentions that Sam is going to be in it. Sam is actually in the book for so little amount of time that this really could have been a stand alone book, I probably would have liked it a bit better in that case.
As for the story, I felt that it was rushed and that a lot was crammed into it for it being just a novella. The worst part though is that I could not like Lisette because I found her to be the biggest kind of hypocrite. The story starts with Lisette having just graduated grad school and she thinks her boyfriend is about to propose to her. Well he turns out to have just been using her to get help through his classes and pick out a ring for his actual girlfriend, OUCH. After suffering through that Lisette winds up behind a guy who is “nerdy looking” and who asks her out to dinner, which she refuses. Fast forward a few years and Lisette has borrowed money from her mother to open her own business, Immersed, where she will spend 8 hours a day with a minimum of a two week commitment with her clients speaking to them in only the language they are paying her to learn. This sounds like a great concept, however, Lisette is so good looking that most of her clients would rather hit on her or make passes at her than actually learn the language. Lisette’s Aunt Corky has the idea of having a make-under, done by Sam, to hide how hot she is.
Fast forward a few more years and Lisette is on the brink of being able to pay her mother back and she just needs one last client, enter Erik a smokin’ hot Norwegian guy. Lisette at first chalks him up to a snob, however, over their time together she comes to find that she is starting to REALLY like this guy. Lisette actually starts to like him so much that she starts letting pieces of her make-under go here and there. Things come to a point when Erik invites Lisette to attend an award benefit with him where he is receiving an award, aware of what this could mean for her company Lisette decides to forgo her disguise and go as her gorgeous self. While at the party they run into the boyfriend from the beginning who lets Erik’s secret slip, he actually went to school with him and Lisette! As a matter-of -fact, he’s the “nerdy looking” guy who asked her out, mad that he lied and kept secrets from her Lisette storms off.
If you’d like to know whether or not Lisette and Erik windup together…or if Lisette decides to just be single for awhile head over to Amazon to purchase this book and give it a read for yourself.
3 out of 5
Thanks for the honest review. You took a lot of time to explain why you didn’t like it and I appreciate what you said about this story, so I may be sitting this one out.
I was very disappointed in this particular story, which made me sad as it was the last one I was hoping it would be the best :/
Sometimes the last in a series tends to be the biggest disappointment for me. Still, some of the story sounds interesting.
Thanks for the honest review. You didnt like it so I don’t see why I need to read it. I see this is part of a series but maybe the other ones arent that bad, this one just probably fell short. Thanks again for the honesty!
I am glad that you were honest! I am not much of a book worm- but when I do pick up a book it is going to be a fast paced quirky novel!
Thanks for the honest review. I know it’s not always easy to highlight the negatives, but it shows your integrity.
Thanks for sharing you honest review,Honesty is always the best policy and we can not always like everything.
This book sounds interesting. I am going to add it to my summer reading list. thanks.
The push-pull that’s bound to be in the story sounds really good! I think this will be a nice one to read.
To be honest, I’m not much of a bookworm. Thanks for an honest review, those can be hard to come by!
The description of the book sounds like something I would totally read. I’m thankful for your honest review, though. At the Kindle price, I wonder if it would be worth a shot of me reading it this summer…
It’s for sure not a bad price for checking it out.
Bummer it was your least favorite. I guess that leaves room for enjoying the other books more?
The other books were excellent, maybe that’s why I found this one so disappointing as the others set such a high bar.
Sorry it wasn’t what you thought it would be. and wow – all her languages are amazing!
I think I’ll be adding this to my summer reading list. Thanks!
I also appreciate an honest review, but chances of me still reading it are pretty good. I’m making more time for reading and this book sounds good to me.
Thanks so much for your opinion. Appreciate it
Looks like an awesome book. Thanks for sharing this review!
Thanks so much for the honest review. It’s such a bummer when you like a series but one of the books falls short!
The cover looks great! I do appreciate the honest review and for explaining why it wasn’t quite what you expected. It may still be appealing to someone who is really into the series
Agreed. Someone who likes romance novels (short or long ones) may still like it.
I love when I read an honest review, and I know that is what you provided me with.
I love to read. It’s always helpful to know what others really think about a book, love your honest opinion.
Honest reviews are the best! I would rather know someones honest opinion than to be irritated that I ended up being disappointed in a book that some recommended.
I haven’t heard of this series yet, I’ll have to check it out.
It is nice to see an honest review instead of the same old everything was great review!
Sad you did not like the book – lot of time spent on something that was not fun.
I dunno for sure, but I don’t think I would like this one either. It just doesn’t seem like a very realistic plot.
I love the honesty of your review. Thank you for your integrity and showcasing the good along with the bad!
Thanks for the honest review! Not everyone likes everything, but it was nice you were able to be honest.
I want to read this now! You are making my Goodreads list longer by the week 😉
I’m glad that you took the time to be honest about this review. I agree that not all romance novels are amazing….so good to know this may not be for me
I wonder if someone read this book stand alone (without reading the others first) how it would settle with them? Totally appreciate your honest take on your opinion for the book.
I think they might would like it.
I think the hardest part about disliking a book that is part of a series isn’t the book itself… it’s the fact that all the others were so good that you expected this one to be also. I appreciate that you were honest and hope the author takes your thoughts to heart and doesn’t make the next book feel rushed like this one.
Love your honest review. I think I will skip this one, but may check out the others!
I don’t read books like these that often, so it’s good to have a review first. I gravitate towards nonfiction, but when I want to read a love story/novel, I like to know how others felt about it before I dive into it.
I am always looking for books to add to my collection. I am going to have to check this series out.
It’s not my cup of tea, but my mother loves these books. I’ll have to ask her what she thought of this one. Thanks for the review!
Not every book is for every person. That does not diminish the book, but speaks to the fact that we all have our own unique tastes and likes.
Thanks for being honest in your review. It’s hard to find something to read and I look to blogs for recommendations.
I may check out the others in the series!
The others in the series are great!
Doesn’t sound to bad. I’m having a hard time getting a book finished these days. Ugh.
Yep, I would totally read this book, especially during the summer months when I’m laying out at the beach or by the pool. There are many times when I just need an easy read that’s light hearted and fun!
I would also like to thank you for your honest review. Sometimes when people review a book they criticize without really going into exact detail about what bothered them. I find you laid it out clearly and concisely but still recommended that people judge for themselves. I like that. 🙂