As a returning college student I’m more conscience than ever about holiday traveling. This year if we want to go anywhere for Thanksgiving we only have a week to do so, and part of that might actually be used up as make up days for the flooding South Carolina had. If we go anywhere this year we’ll have to think of quick travel methods, i.e. airplanes, instead of our usual mode of traveling, car. If we decided to travel by plane that doesn’t bode well for me because A. I have extremely dry skin and plane air dries it out even more and B. I’m the kind of packer that likes to just randomly throw anything I might need on a trip into a makeup bag and go and traveling on a plane you can’t do that. While I’m worried about it, I got to thinking that this might be the perfect time to do a “Pack a Travel Beauty Bag” post with products I would take with me but that were still travel friendly.
The first thing you have to worry about when traveling on a plane is actually the size of the bag that you use. If you are taking the products on the plane in your carryon then you need to have them in a clear quart-sized baggy. I actually found this Clear TSA-Friendly bag at Sephora. This bag has a bit of thickness to it so it’s sturdier than a typical Ziploc, it has a very pretty Sephora design on it, plus it has an actual zipper on the top! If you order it from Sephora’s website it’s $4.95, however, I found mine at the store and if I bought 3 items from the area around the checkout then I got the bag for free! A for sure bonus if you’re going to be buying any of those items to put into the bag!
As I mentioned above plane air can be very drying so having makeup on clogging your pores, especially on long flights, can be a bit cruel to your skin. However, no one wants to go through an airport without any makeup on, so what do you do? The trick to this is is that you can wear makeup, but try to keep it light, through the airport and then once the plane gets in the air remove the makeup. If you’re not planning on leaving your seat than a package of makeup remover wipes, like Simple Cleansing Wipes, would work fine. If you don’t mind leaving your seat for a short time and heading to the bathroom than something like a travel-sized version of Philosophy Purity Face Wash would be great.
Since I have really dry skin, once I removed the makeup I’m going to want to add some hydrating back to my skin. While I can do this with moisturizer a plane ride might be a nice time to just relax and enjoy a face mask. Again, if you don’t mind getting up to rinse then a Glamglow Hydrating Face Mask would be nice. On the other hand if you’re not wanting to draw attention to yourself then a simple paper mask, like a Freeman Paper Face Mask, for the face and a pair of gels, like Skyn Iceland Hydro Cooling Gels, for the eyes would be perfect.
Once all that is done I know I’ll need to add a bit of color and moisture to my lips. The deluxe samples of the Clinique Chubby Sticks are perfect for traveling and doing just that. The trio on the right I actually picked up at Sephora in the travel section and the single on the left I received in my October Birchbox.
Lastly, I’m going to make sure that I have some Girl Products in my travel bag. I always like to include these in my bags and cases because you just never know when it’s going to strike and I don’t relish a walk through an airport if I didn’t have these on had…would you?
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