Not to long ago the Hubs and I were having a date day and we decided to stop by the mall. For him that means a stop at Hot Topic for some Funko Pop Vinyls and for me that usually means a trip to Sephora. This is actually going to be a collective Sephora Haul because while we were there we were told I had to spend over $100 to hit VIB, however, when we got to the car and I looked it up myself I realized I only had a small amount to spend to get VIB. Their loss,’s gain.
The main reason that I stopped in Sephora that day was that I wanted to be color matched with their IQ system for a Nars concealer to brighten my under eye area. However, when the color specialist color matched me there wasn’t a shade that fit for my skin tone in the Nars line, there was one in the new Sephora Bright Future Gel Concealer line. After trying a few I finally settled on the concealer in Parfait. When I was browsing online trying to decide what I wanted to get to hit VIB I decided to get something to go with the concealer, Sephora Bright Set Pressed Powder in Banana. Banana powders are great for setting concealer under the eye to help brighten it up and the Bright Set Powder had pretty good reviews. The last makeup item that I got was in the store, while I was browsing the “around the checkout” area the Hubs decided to sneak the Urban Decay Naked Smoky palette into my basket. He knows that I’m a fan of Urban Decay and that I’ve been eyeing theNaked Smoky palette.
While I was getting color matched the specialist used a primer under the items we were matching and I fell instantly in love with it, Hourglass No. 28 Primer. Not knowing if it was just a “I’m in the store so I’ll love anything they put on me” feeling or I actually did love it, I decided to just go with the smaller $22 version instead of the full-size $65 version. I’ll be reviewing all the products in this post so be on the lookout for that! The other skin care items that I got were from my online purchase, Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask and Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix spray. I saw both of these products in the travel section of Sephora, which is where I like to look for products to review that way if I don’t like them there’s not as much waste of money and product, and decided to snap them up. I’m a sucker for a overnight moisturizing mask!
To round out hitting VIB status I decided to pickup the Daily Brush Cleaner and the Solid Brush Cleaner both from the Sephora Collection line. I wanted to test out the Daily Brush Cleaner for in-use cleaning, switching eye shadows on the same brush for example, and I liked that the Solid Brush Cleaner came in a nice size container and had a little rubber mat to go with it.
I got quite a few samples through both of my orders. In store while being color matched I was able to get a sample of Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Santa Fe to test out and see if I like it enough to buy the full-size. Also, while I was in the store I was going to get a Bite Beauty Limited Edition set by cashing in some of my Reward Points but she had to cash me out to (wrongly) check my VIB status and you can’t redeem points without purchasing something. However, while I was checking out I noticed that online they had the exact same kit but with a mirror, I didn’t see a mirror on the in-store kit, so I went ahead and redeemed my points for it. It comes with a mini of the Bite Luminous Crème Lipstick in Mimosa and a deluxe sample of the Bite Lush Fruit Lipgloss in Mimosa. For my three free samples I picked a Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream perfume sample, a Korres Greek Yoghurt Foaming Cleanser because I’ve been wanting to try a milk type cleanser, and a Sephora Instant Moisturizer sample because you can never have to many moisturizers. Speaking of moisturizers, my final sample was one of the Beauty Code Specials and I decided to get the Ole Henriksen Empower Featherweight Moisturizer. There were actually several different moisturizers to choose from if you looked around but the Ole Henricksen caught my eye and I decided to go with that.
So for the first time since starting to blog about beauty products I have hit VIB status. I can’t tell you how excited that makes me! I’ve actually started to see the benefits because my VIB kit actually came with a few coupons I can use in store and I’m already getting emails about products that I didn’t see online when I was just a regular Beauty Insider. I know I won’t be hitting Rouge this year or next but I can’t wait to see what that’s like when I finally do!
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