I am reviewing the third book in the Thrawn series, Star Wars: Thrawn Treason by Timothy Zahn. Check out my thoughts.
Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn
I am reviewing the second book in the Thrawn trilogy, Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn. Check out my thoughts!
Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
I read Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn awhile go, I am now sharing my thoughts on it. Click through to see what I thought!
Zainey Laney October Scents
I’m reviewing the Zainey Laney October Scents. If you want to know which Zainey Laney October Scents I picked up, check out the post.
Zainey Laney Wax Melts Review
Zainey Laney Wax Melts are a fairly new addition to the wax melt world. For more info and a review on Zainey Laney Wax Melts, check out my post and video!
Collaboration | Geeks and Beauties Group Support
I may have mentioned it…but then again it may have slipped my mind. I’m a member of a group called “Geeks and Beauties” on Facebook. The point of Geeks and Beauties is to bring together people who like all things beauty like fashion, makeup, skin care, etc. and to also bring together people who like all things geeky like Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter,
2016 Favorites: January
I mentioned in my Best of 2015 post that it was my goal for 2016 to not miss a month of favorites. Due to a back injury last week I really put myself behind on posting, however, I decided I would look at my schedule and try to maneuver things around so that I could my favorites post up. I was able to do
Watching TV on Your Schedule
Hey guys, it’s Travis from over at Page & Screen. Unfortunately, I just haven’t had the time to write anything over on my blog recently. Going back to school sure does take a lot of time – papers to write, tests to study for… It’s exhausting! However, even though I haven’t been writing about it on the blog, I still have to get my
5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Fictional Teachers
Awhile ago I had heard a rumor that Google Plus was going to be closed down so I stopped paying attention to it. Yes I still shared my post on it each day BUT I quit having anything to do with the Communities. However, after awhile I figured why deprive myself of awesome people in awesome communities for something that may or may not happen.
Fall Favorites Tag
Something going around YouTube this Fall is the Jaclyn Hill Fall Favorites Tag. At first I wasn’t going to do this tag and then I wasn’t going to put it on the blog. However, I saw how much fun everyone was having doing the tag so I decided to go ahead and join in on the fun. If you would like to participate in