In order to explain how excited I was about the Zainey Laney October Scents, I’m going to have to give you some insider knowledge. Laney, please don’t kill me. For PR reps, Laney sends out an email the month prior with the scents for the next month. This allows you to choose what scents you want to cover and allows Laney and Marshall to get enough premade to send them out in time. Y’all I LITERALLY bought all but like two of the scents AND after seeing their explanation video, I kinda want to go and purchase one of those two! *facepalm*
Basic Witches
Basic Witches is based off of Practical Magic, so of COURSE I had to get it! To make it even better, the scent profile for this is “Pumpkin Spice Everything!!!” and boy did they nail it. My FAVORITE scent is Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from B&BW (I just counted and I’m down to only three three-wicks, I need to restock soon!) and I thought that Pumpkin Pasties from the Harry Potter Collection captured that scent but no this one does it soooo much better. In all honesty, if you’re a fan of pumpkin scents just pick up both and thank me later.
Also, did anyone else hear that there is going to be a prequel series about the Aunts? I’m so here for that!
In for a Penny
In for a Penny is based off of Pennywise from It and this was purchased purely for the Hubs. The scent profile for this one is “Peppermint, Chocolate, and Cinnamon Bread” which means that while it was purchased for him, I ain’t mad at it. You really get the peppermint and chocolate but the cinnamon bread comes through just enough to keep it from smelling like a York peppermint patty.
A Rocky Horror themed scent? Count me in. I’ve actually quoted Rocky Horror on my YouTube channel NUMEROUS times but NO ONE ever catches it. I’m sorely disappointed in our youth today. Anywho, the scent profile for this is “Apple Pie, Cinnamon, and Orange”. Not gonna lie, I really don’t understand the scent combination with the theme on this one and the explanation video didn’t really help me with that either. That being said, this scent smells soooo freaking good I’m willing to overlook that. Seriously, this one smells like a spicy apple pie that has a little something something going on with it.
Mal Faerie
You know the only thing I dislike about Maleficent and the new live action movies they’re doing based off of her? The fact that spelling her name is nearly impossible for me to do correctly without either A. looking it up or B. using auto correct. Oh and I also dislike that MAC didn’t do another Maleficent (see almost spelled it wrong again, had to look up at the previous typing of it to get it right *face palm*) collection to go with this movie’s release. I LOVED the last one! Back on track, the scent profile for this one is “Blackberries, Apple, and Sage”. I usually hate blackberries but ZOMG this smells sooooo freaking good. We got this one for the Hubs because he likes all those scents but seriously this is one that I could totally see having a candle of and burning it all over the house. Hey Laney, I know that you guys do wax melts because of safety and all but special request for a candle on this one (and Basic Witches)!!
Killer Cupcake
Zainey Laney has a ton of new mascots and one of those is Roxy. They like to have a signature scent for each of the mascots and Killer Cupcake is Roxy’s, kind of makes me wonder what Roxy’s backstory is… The scent profile for this is Red Velvet Cake, Cream Cheese, and Chocolate and if EVER needed something as a lotion, shampoo, conditioner, SOMETHING body related that wasn’t a spray THIS is the one. OMG this smells so freaking good even Ghost was sniffing the air. I haven’t taken any from this round to the office yet because I’m about to have to switch offices and I don’t want to have to carry to much but I can imagine this one will have everyone sniffing the air looking for the fresh baked cupcakes.
Unsung Hero
It’s time for the monthly Stranger Things spray. This month the character featured is, Hopper! To be 1000% (yes the extra zero was intentional, don’t @ me) honest, I initially only wanted this because it was based on Hopper and Hopper is a fave. Also, just so you can know where I stand, not a real big fan of Joyce after this last season. So I message Laney and ask her what exactly does “Smoke, Whisky, and Maple Syrup” smell like because I don’t want my office or my apartment manager to think I’m smoking in places where I’m not. Laney tells me that to her it smells like “smoky caramel”. Okay. I don’t get that when I sniff it. However, what I DO get is that kind of “fireplace” or “campfire” kind of scent with just a hint of sweetness to it. OMFG I LOVE it. It’s the scent I needed in my life but didn’t know that I needed if you know what I mean. Laney says in the explanation video that to her it’s a masculine scent, and I totally get that, but I also think that it’s a good outdoorsey scent as well. I’m LIVING for this one!
Final Thoughts on the Zainey Laney October Scents
As you can see I absolutely loved all of the scents this month. However, I now that it’s not feasible for everyone to purchase every scent, even if you use my coupon code below to save 10% *wink*. So what are my main recommendations? Basic Witches for SURE, especially if you love pumpkin. Mal Faerie also for SURE, even if you don’t like fruit scents. Lastly, Unsung Hero, is a good one if you want a nice “crisp, fall evening around the campfire” kind of scent.
Zainey Laney Coupon Code
Don’t forget to use my code CASSIE10 to save 10% off of any of the scented products (sprays, wax, scrubs, etc.). This code can NOT be used on the 3rd party merch (like buttons). This code CAN be used multiple times by yourself or others (you can use it multiple times and other people can as well). And lastly, I do NOT make any money off the use of this code. This just helps Laney track how well I’m doing and helps me stay on another month.
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LOL I love that Basic Witches is a pumpkin spice scent haha!
These look so fun! They would make really cute stocking stuffers!
Do you happen to know if their products are vegan and cruelty-free? I’d be happy to try if they are
On their part all of their stuff is cruelty free. On the supplier level, the waxes and sprays are cruelty free but they aren’t sure about the scrubs as they come as pre mix that they add the fragrance too. She didn’t say about the vegan aspect.
Hmm Candles you say? We are testing those now. 🙂
*fist pump*
How fun! None of these sound like scents I would like to wear, but would make great candles!
They are actually testing those now.
Maybe I missed it but are these room sprays? Body sprays? They all sound great and the labels are fun.
They can be used as either. The ones with cinnamon aren’t supposed to be used on the skin due to possible skin irritation. However, when I want to use them as body sprays I just spray them on clothes. I use all the sprays as body/room/car/etc. sprays.
Nice review and love the pix!
The packaging is so cute!!
It really is.