Recently I had the opportunity to pick up a few items at Ulta. I also had the opportunity to upgrade my camera and due to working with a new camera I didn’t realize that the end of this video got caught off and a few items didn’t make it into the video. That’s alright though because one of those items actually is no longer
Sneak Peek: Upcoming Reviews + Giveaway
February has been such a busy month for me! Between papers and tests for Cosmetology School, spending a little free time with the Hubs and the pup, and testing out products to review I’ve just been swamped. Lucky for all my readers, you’ll be seeing those reviews soon. Today I’ve decided I can’t keep you in the dark anymore and have decided to shine
Sephora Haul: Part One
From the name of this post you can obviously tell this is Part One of a Sephora Haul. I filmed this haul and it wound up being an hour long and I didn’t want to make you sit through that long of a video (or post) so I decided to split it in two with makeup being part one and skin care/samples making up
Valentine’s Day Makeup Tutorial {Collab}
I had the opportunity to team up with some amazing ladies and bring you a Valentine’s Day Collaboration video. The idea behind this collaboration was that each person could choose any kind of video they wanted as long as it was themed around Valentine’s Day. We got quizzes, makeup tutorials, and even a gift guide. Make sure to check all these great posts as
Best of 2015 Part Two
Last week I did my Best of 2015 Part One, which included my favorite face and lip products for 2015. I planned on posting this up last week as well but ran into a few “technical issues” so I’m finally getting it up today! For more details make sure to check out Part One of my Best of 2015. If you can’t see the
Best of 2015 Part One
I have finally decided to do my Best of [Insert Year Here]. I’ve seen this done on YouTube in the past by some of the guru’s I’m subscribed to, however, I just never really tried enough products to feel comfortable doing that. This year was a completely different story. Through different circumstances I’ve been able to try so many different beauty products that I
Sephora Favorites Give Me More Lip
It’s time for my last and final Sephora Favorites unboxing for the year, Give Me More Lip. Don’t forget to check out the Superstars and Lashstash unboxings. Before we get into what is in the Give Me More Lip box let’s talk about what the Sephora Favorites boxes are. These boxes are curated by people behind the scenes to fit the theme of that
Sephora Favorites Superstars Unboxing
If you read or watched my Sephora VIB Rouge Haul then you know that I picked up three of the Sephora Favorites sets. These are sets that Sephora released for the holidays that have a different theme and are filled with products curated for that theme. The first box that I’m going to “unbox” is the Sephora Favorites Superstars. The Superstars set is curated
Sephora VIB Rouge Haul
Since the Hubs and I don’t have children we decided to celebrate our Christmas a little early this year. I saved up and gave the Hubs a gift card to a bookstore and he was able to enlarge his Stephen King collection with what turned out to be a few first editions! He, in turn, saved up and gave me a gift card that
Urban Decay Naked Smoky
As I mentioned in my Sephora VIB Haul post last week, the Hubs snuck the Urban Decay Naked Smoky palette into my basket. On first blush I was going to take it out because $54 is a lot of money to spend! However, after thinking about it I decided to keep it in because a nice splurge every once in awhile is nice plus