Usually, I post this on Sunday’s, however, my birthday was this past weekend and I decided to take the weekend off. Obviously, I didn’t get to go anywhere for my birthday due to the shelter in place that is going on right now. That being said, I did have an amazing birthday spending time with the Hubs and our zoo of animals. For the blog this past I was a complete slacker. I only posted one post and if you missed it, it’s included in the links below. Check out what some of the bloggers whose posts I read regularly were up to this week.
Eyes looking a little tired? Wake them up with Suki Skincare. Prime Beauty found two eye creams you need to add to your anti-aging arsenal.
If you love to periodically indulge in ultra-luxe bath products, then the REN Moroccan Rose Otto Collection might just be the holy grail range that you have been seeking. See why Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog waxes poetic about their Body Wash, Bath Oil and Body Lotion!
Are your nails starting to need some TLC? Cassie from Southeast by Midwest has a DIY Home Manicure that you can do until you get back to the salon. Did we mention, she’s an actual Cosmetologist?
Since her longtime favorite eye cream has been out of stock, Never Say Die Beauty is enjoying the luxury DefenAge 3D Radiance Eye Cream with a soothing, cool tip applicator. Find out why she loves it so much!
A little bit of colour makes everything better, right? It’s worth a shot, even if only on your nails. I Know all the Words dives into the cherry and bright OPI Mexico City Collection.
Stacie has some tips from an expert on what to do and what NOT to do to your brows while you’re sheltering in place. Check them out on The Makeup Obsessed Mom blog.
What do your roots look like right about now? Even if no one really sees them you just might need a lift and Lisa from Beauty Info Zone has a few suggestions to help.
Make sure to follow my beauty board on Pinterest!
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