Size: 2 oz. | 8 oz. | 8 oz. Starter Kit | 32 oz.
Price: $8.00 | $24.00 | $24.00 | $36.00
Features: Rinse-free | Quick Drying | No Oily Residue
Purchase: Sephora | Cinema Secrets
Today let’s talk about something that we all hate to do so much that we put it off even though we know we shouldn’t…makeup brush cleaning. For the longest time I washed my brushes with just baby shampoo and the palm of my hands. However, as my brush collection has grown my methods of cleaning have had to grow as well, especially once I decided to take my love of makeup to the next step and become a makeup artist. As a makeup artist you have to clean your brushes between clients…or invest a ton of money in buying multiple brush sets. So when I started my Makeup & Facials class last spring I knew that I was going to need a more “instant” solution. After doing some research I came upon the Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner and decided to give it a go.
What caught my attention about the Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner, besides several YouTubers talking about it, was the fact that it claimed to be rinse-free and fast drying. Those two aspects were exactly what I was going to be looking for when changing between one client and another. The only things I was worried about before ordering were that these claims would be false or that they wouldn’t be but the payment for that would be a harsh chemical smell or severe damage to my brushes…
Due to be in Cosmetology school and not having a lot of cash to throw around I decided to start with the smaller bottle to test the “waters” so to speak. I was pleasantly surprised when the Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner arrived and it smelled like vanilla! I kid you not, there are no harsh chemical or alcohol smells associated with this cleaner. This is important not just for me while I’m cleaning them but for the client when I’m using them on their face! I mean would you like for a brush to be applying product to your eye area and you get a whiff of nothing but rubbing alcohol? I sure wouldn’t!
Now about that rinse-free and quick drying aspect… The way that the Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner works is that you pour some of the liquid into a container of some sort. This container can be a bowl type similar to the Cinema Secrets tin that I have above or it can be a spray bottle that you use to mist the brushes before cleaning. If you are going to use the bowl method to clean your brushes you essentially just insert the brush ¼ of the way into the cleaner and then IMMEDIATELY pull it out. If you don’t the brush will soak up all of the cleaner which is entirely unnecessary. Once you pull the brush out you swipe it on either a paper product, i.e. paper towel or cotton, or a brush cleaning item, i.e. Sigma Brush Mat or a finger glove. After the brush is as clean as you like, depending on how dirty the brushes are you may have to dip and swipe more than once, lay it to the side to dry. Depending on how dense your brush is this can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.
Overall, the Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner is my new favorite brush cleaner. It does exactly as it claims to, there was no cleanser or residue left on or in the bristles after they dried and all my brushes dried super fast. Now I wouldn’t recommend using this for your sponges but it will be great for any brushes you have. As you can see from the photos I’ve already purchased a larger container of the cleaner and once I’m out of Cosmetology school I plan on putting it on Auto-Delivery on Amazon!
P.S. If anyone from Sephora is reading this…please add Auto-Delivery to some of your items ASAP!
Purchase Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner
Shop Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner at Sephora
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