Last Monday and Tuesday I was having a set of REALLY bad days. I’ve had some bad days in my life but this was just the icing on the cake. To give you a brief overview of what was going on; we found out that I wouldn’t have enough Financial Aid to cover tuition and books because this school doesn’t combine grants and scholarships (lame!), our tire went flat with a nail and after almost getting duped on a price we had to windup replacing all four tires, and we found out one of our debit cards had been hacked. To say that I needed a pick-me-up was an understatement. So when I came home and found the Allure & butterLONDON Arm Candy Collection on my doorstep I was beyond thrilled. Not just to receive some awesome nail polishes to test (and giveaway!) but to see such a great and beautiful collaboration was exactly what I needed. Note that my full thoughts, opinions, and swatches are in the video below so make sure to give that a watch!
Nude Stilettos
Nude Stilettos is a sheer pink-nude creme polish. Nude Stilettos was not opaque in one, or two for that matter, coats. If you were wanting to wear Nude Stilettos as part of a French Manicure you could get away with two coats, however, if you’re going to be wearing it as a standalone polish you’ll probably need three or four!
I’m on the List
I’m on the List is a rose-gold metallic polish. I’m on the List is a gorgeous metallic color that was not only opaque in one coat but you probably could have stopped completely after the one coat as the second coat really just evens out the metallic.
Statement Piece
Statement Piece is an orange-red creme polish. I have a go-to red that I’m in love with so when I say that Statement Piece is now my second go-to red (and probably more often go-to) know that I say that with much shock.
It’s Vintage
It’s Vintage is a rust creme polish. I’m not a huge fan of brown polishes, they just aren’t my favorite, but It’s Vintage wasn’t bad at all! I actually have a nail art that I’m wanting to do for the fall that will involve It’s Vintage!
Lust or Must?
Lust or Must? is a charcoal-brown creme polish. Again with the browns, sigh, and again with the being shocked! I was expecting to HATE Lust or Must? but once that second coat was on I loved it! Lust or Must? will be a great fall vampy color. I will say that you DO need two coats with this polish as just one looks absolutely hideous.
Disco Nap
Disco Nap is a charcoal glitter polish. Disco Nap was by far my favorite of the Allure & butterLONDON Arm Candy Collection polishes. It looked absolutely stunning with just two coats of it by itself and I can just imagine what one coat of Disco Nap over a white or black polish would look like!
Allure and butterLONDON Arm Candy Collection Giveaway
After seeing all those gorgeous polishes, would you like to win a complete set for yourself? That’s right I’m giving away a complete set (all the ones pictured above) of the Allure & butterLONDON Arm Candy Collection polishes! They’ll come in the velvety bag that they were sent to me in by butterLONDON. For a chance to win a set for yourself make sure to enter via the Rafflecopter widget below!
I love several of these colors.