Travis here again. I know it has been awhile since I actually sit down and typed something out instead of recording a video for YouTube, but I felt that I needed to return to a series I started a few months ago. I would have actually recorded this in video form, but I don’t trust myself to not cry. Ask Cassie… that ain’t pretty.
I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite post on Blogger: Best Game Series of This Generation
So here I go again, talking about the best and worst of this generation of video games. Really… I’m just talking about the best now. And when I say the best… I mean it…
Mass Effect
It is difficult to describe the affection I have for this series. I can honestly say I have spent more hours playing through these three games than any other set of games in my entire life, not including World of Warcraft. In fact, when I was in the middle of my WoW addiction, Mass Effect was the only series that could hold my attention long enough for me to log off and play something else. When I kicked that addiction, the first plan I made was to reacquire all three games in the series, download all of the DLC, and have one more massive play through of the entire series. I just finished that play through as of today, March 20. Now, all I can think about is doing it all again.
Mass Effect, simply put, is a science fiction series set in the no-so-distant future. Humanity discovers a treasure trove of alien technology that leads to expansion across the galaxy. Humanity, under the banner of the Alliance, discovers it is not alone in the universe. As “newcomers” to the grand scene of galactic politics, humanity must learn to find its place. The story centers around Commander Shepard, a naval officer in the Alliance with an already storied history. Shepard is being considered to become the first human Spectre, an elite operative for the Council, the governing body for all the civilized galaxy. When a routine mission goes wrong, Commander Shepard is flung into a plot that goes deeper than anyone of any species could ever imagine.
Speaking honestly, I have tried to write a summary of the story several times and I just can’t write anything that sounds right to me. Even now, what I wrote above does not do the series justice. So, instead, I’m going to tell you what Mass Effect IS, at least to me. I have been a gamer for a long time. I remember when the height of story development in gaming was “our princess is in another castle.” To see this medium, which was long seen as nothing but a distraction for stupid children (I have been told that before), come this far astounds me. Mass Effect allows you to take a character and make them your own. You choose what gender your Shepard is… their background… their looks…. their skill set. Then, this newly customized character is thrown into a universe with so many interesting and diverse characters. And you are given the reins. Sure, the overarching story is the same. However, the choices belong to you.
The choices…. the choices. Some range
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