I am reviewing the third book in the Thrawn series, Star Wars: Thrawn Treason by Timothy Zahn. Check out my thoughts.
Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn
I am reviewing the second book in the Thrawn trilogy, Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn. Check out my thoughts!
Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
I read Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn awhile go, I am now sharing my thoughts on it. Click through to see what I thought!
Book Review | Corliss by VC Andrews (Girls of Spindrift #1)
Book Information Corliss by VC Andrews Publisher: Pocket Star Publication Date: June 12, 2017 Genre: Romance | Series Purchase: Kindle Author Information Virginia Cleo Andrews was born June 6, 1923 in Portsmouth, Virginia. While a teenager, Virginia suffered a tragic accident, falling down the stairs at her school and incurred severe back injuries. Arthritis and a failed spinal surgical procedure forced her to spend