I’m partnering with a great group of bloggers; Chelsee, Deb, Rachel and Christine, to bring your a program that if you’re a blogger you might just like. This is for both new and established bloggers, so keep reading for more deets about Bigs and Littles.
It is now time to sign up for this round of the Bigs and Littles Blogging Network!
What is Bigs and Littles
Bigs and Littles is a partnering of bloggers to teach, to learn and to grow that lasts two months. In the Bigs and Littles Blogging Network big and little bloggers are matched together. Each of us regardless of size or experience has something we can give back to others. Throughout this program you will have the ability to build a new friendship, share experiences, teach and learn. We know that sometimes in the beginning days of our blogs we were frustrated, even sometimes now we just need a little blogging advice. We just felt that sometimes we were at a lost, with no one to help us understand how blogging worked. This is something that we feel never changes, yes our blogs have grown tremendously, but with that comes a whole new set of issues that arise.
Have you ever felt the same? Well we can tell you that sometimes asking another blogger questions and advice can be quite frustrating and intimidating. Well if you are looking for a way to meet someone to share advice and just someone to lean on through your blogging experience, then this may be the perfect program for you.
Want help designing our blog, learning how to grow your blog, or just some general advice then we suggest that you take a moment to contemplate this program!
How it works
The sign up will run from January 2nd – January 9th! Once the deadline has passed, the process of finding your partner will begin! This process will take about a week, but depending on the number that sign up it could take a bit longer or it could take less time. The partner list should be out by January 14th. Your Partnership will run for 2 months, at the end of this time you will need to sign up again to receive a new partner.
**New** When will sign ups occur
Signups will occur 3 times a year in:
- January
- May
- September
Why you should sign up?
The idea behind the Bigs and Littles Blogging Network is for bloggers to teach, learn and grow from each other. Furthermore, the goal is to become close with one another and support each other, and at the end of it all make new friends. Our vision is not only for the Littles to grow their blogs and learn from their Big, but that this process will propel them into becoming a Big themselves. Regardless if you are a Big or Little, there is something that we can all bring to the table to each other.
We also want to note that we suggest that you not focus on being defined as a Big or a Little. You fall into one of these categories based on a variety of things. The idea that everyone could be matched with someone as large of a blogger as The Things Blog, while it would be amazing it unfortunately is simply impossible at this time. Our point is take this experience and run with it. Remember that what you put into this experience will be what you get out of it. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us here.
Before you sign up please read this recap of the rules
The Rules
- Please follow the hosts Chelsee, Deb, Rachel, Cassie and Christine.
- If you are unable to continue with your relationship with your partner, please send an email here and I will make arrangement to reassign you another partner.
- If for any reason you feel that your partner is not participating, please email us here. Note if you do not email us to let us know then there is nothing we can do to help.
- Please note that if you sign up but do not actively participate, then you will be unable to participate in the future (this is only fair to your partner, and not malicious).
- Write a post and link it up with us on March 1st detailing your Bigs and Littles experience and about your Big or Little(s). This linkup will be open for a while, so don’t worry if you are not able to linkup on that actual date.
Have Fun and Make Friends!
Once the partners are revealed I will be emailing out ideas for what to do with your partner during the program period. If you have any ideas about how to get to know your partner better and/or helping each other then feel free to email! Additionally if you have any questions about this program just leave them in the comments or email us.
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