Oh TV how I love thee. It’s time for another Sunday Social, this week is the TV edition so lets jump on in shall we?
What was your favorite TV show as a kid?
There were quite a few TV shows that I remember watching EVERY time they came on Power Rangers (1st gen all the way!), Ghostwriter, Captain Planet, and Tale Spin to name a few. But the one that I not only watched EVERY time it came on but that I watched the movies based on it and even tried to give the later reboots of it a try would have to be TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
What is your current favorite TV show?
Doctor Who. Without hesitation. I have been known to not schedule events during the time that Doctor Who airs because I have a date with the TV. Speaking of which, Christmas night you shall find me in the recliner, in front of a fire, with a mug of hot chocolate, and bawling my eyes out. Why you ask? The 11th Doctor is supposed to regenerate that night…and I know Moffat likes to hit us Whovians in the feels when that happens. Curse you Moffat…curse you.
What reality show would you NEVER do?
I know it’s a favorite of a lot of people but The Bachelor would be one that I would never want to do. First off I’m married so it would be irrelevant but secondly it just seems like none of those relationships ever workout.
What reality show would you LOVE to do?
Even though this season has been rampant with racism and cheating and unlike past seasons they aren’t doing ANYTHING about it I still love Big Brother so I would love to be able to do that show before it becomes as pointless as American Idol.
What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you?
I had a hard time on this one so I went to the person who knows me best to get their opinion. According to the hubs I’m most like Chloe from Young and the Restless, which at first I took offense to because she’s currently in the middle of a “I’m being stupid” phase but once he explained his reasoning I could see it. His explanation was that Chloe is the type of character who when she dislikes someone she isn’t shy about showing it (check), but when she likes someone she’ll share everything with them and be extremely loyal (check), when you disappoint her she won’t hesitate to let you know it (check), but until you do disappoint her she’ll have utmost faith in you and won’t stand for anyone to say anything that would disparage your character (check), and I have to add she does make some of the better fashion choices on the show
Which TV character would you want to date?
Hands down without hesitation, once the idea came to me, I would have to choose Rory “Pond”. He dealt with her obsession with the Doctor, he waited two THOUSAND years for Amy, he is the last remaining Centurion for Gods sake. But what about the fact that it took me a week to come up with him as my pick? To that I say…it means I won’t have to fight anyone else for him, except Amy of course. Yeah…I think I’ll just stick with my hubs.
Those are my answers to this weeks Sunday Social as usual I’ll be linking up with Neely and Ashley.
Hi! Stopping over from Sunday Social 🙂 I keep hearing about Dr. Who and have some friends who have become obsessed with it! I am scared to start watching though because I know I will probably get sucked into it and not leave my house for a week!
Doctor Who really is a good show with a great fandom. You should give it a try. You’ll want to start with the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccelstein) because the episodes from all the Doctor’s before that are hard to come by. The 9th Doctor was the relaunch of the show after a long hiatus.
Oh man, I wish I had said The Doctor for the last question, I can’t believe I forgot about him!! Seriously thinking about editing my post now!!
See I wouldn’t want to fight River for him or Rose for that matter.
Ok, I knew there was a reason we were friends. TNMT was my absolute favorite show as a kid!
TMNT is AWESOME. Monday on The Hub satellite/cable channel they’re going to be showing the 2nd movie. So tempted to upgrade our satellite package so I can watch it…which is ridiculous because I own it on Blu-ray! But that’s how much I love it lol.
Doctor Who is my favorite show too! I can’t wait to see who the 12th Doctor will be, but I’m sad to say good bye to 11.
I watch so little TV, but I watch a lot of ‘Snapped’. Mark jokes that I’m ‘taking notes’ haha!
My favorite shows are Grey’s Anatomy and MasterChef
I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy. I’m so ticked at Arizona for what she did at the end of last season to Callie. Callie tries to save her life and she uses that as an excuse to cheat? Bull crap. I’m so happy Alex is finally finding someone that makes him happy and I’m hoping it lasts. I’m also hoping for a Christina/Owen reunion! And can I just say that I boo-hoo’d like a newborn infant when Lexie died? And then when Mark died. Still so sad :'(
My current favorite show is Pretty Little Liars, and Revenge. I know, so teenagerish, but I can’t get enough! My husband and I really like Raising Hope.
And of course, I love cooking reality shows — Master Chef and The Next Food Network star is awesome too.
I love PLL. We so need to dish sometime about that show! Travis loves it as well 😉
Yes we do! I seriously read message boards and facebook pages about the show because I have no one to talk to about it (except Forrest, because he secretly loves it, too.)
Feel free to send me a FB message anytime and we can chat about the episodes. We actually just started watching this season, we caught up to all the past season in one week to be able to watch this season live LOL.