As previously stated in my other Influenster posts, I received this product free to review. That being said, any opinions stated here are completely my own and I was not paid to alter my opinions.

I have had time to work a bit more with the Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel oil controlling towelettes and have been able to formulate an opinion on them.
For these I don’t really have a bad, except for the smell but it really isn’t that bad after awhile. I can imagine that if you are a reglular user of witch hazel or have smelled it before the scent probably never would have been a problem for you. I, on the other hand, have never really had any experience with witch hazel so I was totally unprepared for the smell that hit me. After a few uses though I’ve gotten use to them and they’re not that bad.

Where to start on the good stuff? To start out with the packaging. I love these towelettes came individually wrapped and those packets are in a nice slim box that is easy to put on a shelf. Usually towelettes come in one of those plastic baby wipe containers or a cheap plastic packaging but with these being individually wrapped it’s easy to just throw them in your purse or diaper bag. Another good thing about them was that not only did they do what they said and control a bit of the shine and remove some dirt but they also left my face feeling nice and refreshed. The last thing that I liked about these was something that wasn’t even advertised about them…removing nasty stuff off of my hands out in public. Seriously, after popping through the drive-thru the other day I had some sticky soda on my fingers for some reason and it was bugging the crap out of me so I decided to test them out and worked like a charm.
These are a bit of a conundrum of whether I will repurchase them. I love the product but I have a hard enough time justifying the money for makeup wipes let alone something like this. While these are a great product and I highly recommend them with our current budet I would probably only purchase them if they were on sale.
If you are interested in learning more head over to Dickinson’s website.

these sound very handy. I like witch-hazel