It’s been awhile since we’ve done an Animal Friday Post and since we’ve been down in South Carolina for a few months now I thought it’d be a good time to update everyone on how the animals are doing.
Bird Arrangement:
In North Carolina we had the birds as separated as we could get them. Ducky was in one corner of the room, the cockatiels were on the completely other side of the room, and Boba was in the corner opposite of Ducky. To add to that we did not allow the birds to come out at the same time (except the cockatiels who are a bonded pair and can’t go ANYWHERE without each other) which led to some hostility between them all. When we moved to South Carolina we decided a do over was in order.
Essentially what we hope to do is make it where the birds are not as hostile to each other. We started off by placing all the cages near each other so they could start getting use to each other by talking an seeing one another. From there we have decided that for periods of time we will alternate letting the birds out together, in small groups for example Ducky and Boba at the same time, during times of the day where we are free to watch them and able to jump up at a moment’s notice. Frankly, we thought it would take months if not years for them to get use to and like each other but in a matter of weeks they have all bonded. None of the other birds like it when Ducky leaves the room with someone and if one of the birds get in trouble and gets put back in their cage they will all squawk in outrage. Ducky has even started teaching Boba words and noises.
Overall we are pleased…although we do wish that there are somethings Ducky would stop teaching the other birds. Like the loud and long screeches that she does for attention.
Boba has grown so much since we have gotten him. Not only is he getting taller and chubbier but he’s also learning to speak and make noises. He has gotten better with his nipping and he’s maturing more but has taken to imitating Ducky’s loud screeches. Oh well, I guess beggars can’t be choosers.
One of the items that we purchased for his cage was a cozy for him to snuggle into. While there are a few times that you can catch him inside of it, these are actually quite rare to happen upon. For the most part he likes to cram himself between the cozy and the cage bars to sleep, this happens to put him right against where Ducky sleeps. We think there might be another birdie romance in the works.
Speaking of “The Duck” she has adjusted to the new house quite well. She does miss her “Roof” (Ruth, Travis’s mom, this is how Ducky pronounces her name) a lot and will sometimes venture into other rooms looking for her. We were originally afraid that the move to a new house would be to strange for her and that she would mourn Ruth. While she does miss her, the fact that Ruth visits her often appeases her.
While Ducky has become more attached to the other birds than what she was, she still believes she is the queen of the house. The above picture is actually one of her on my computer monitor after she stole the piece of paper out of the spiral of my notebook. No amount of bribing or pleading will remove her from the monitor once she settles on there either and if she gets frustrated enough with me trying to remove her she will turn around and place her tail feathers in front of the screen and try to climb down it.
As worried as I have said that we have been about the other animals, Lila is the one we were the most worried about. Lila is only two years old but she has had a lot happen during those years. We were afraid that moving to a new house would be to much for her and she wouldn’t eat, etc. And we were right…for one day. By the second day at the new house Lila knew this was her new home and that the back yard was her new running arena.
Thankfully we were able to get a replacement for her Easy Lead Harness in her size before we left for South Carolina. She is able to slip out of collars and harnesses that are attached normally to leashes. However, the Easy Lead clips in the front and also keeps her from jumping. We were so worried about that because she does love her bye-bye trips when we go to the grocery store.
Lila and Ducky are getting along together very very well which we are extremely pleased about. Before they both hated each other and would try to make each other miserable. Now the opposite is true and in fact Lila will block us from putting Ducky back up. Ducky has even gone into other rooms calling for Lila when she wants Lila to be in the living room with her.
So there you have an update on all of our animals. Next Friday I’ll be posting an update and my opinion on Fall TV up to this point. Until then…
Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck says
This was such a fascinating post! I’ve never had birds as pets (I had an uncle who had a parrot for awhile when I was little but he lived a few hours away so it wasn’t my norm). So cool to read about their interactions! Loved the pics too!! Thanks for commenting on my FB page! 🙂
Robin says
I’ve never owned birds but am open to getting a couple one day, if we own a property rather than rent. It’s good that they are getting along better.