One of the aspects that I new was coming with this move was the packing. It has been staring us in the face since we decided to move to South Carolina, which was last year. However, we kept putting it off and putting it off. Why? Well we didn’t have boxes, and we didn’t have this, and we didn’t have that. In the end it really boiled down to the main problem being we didn’t want to have to do the work.
I know some people are probably thinking “Work, what work? You pack everything in a box and then unpack it when you get to South Carolina.” If this were a normal move I would agree 100%, however, we can’t do anything easy so this isn’t a normal move. We are splitting the one household into two households.
Why is this important you ask. Well it’s important because it adds tons more work in the long run. Instead of just packing everything up and then unpacking it we now have to go through every single item in the house and sort it into one of four piles; take to South Carolina, stay in North Carolina, donate to Goodwill, or dump in the garbage. Add-in the fact that we have to take all of our trash to the dump instead of having pick-up and the dump ALWAYS closes 15 minutes before they’re supposed to and I’m ready to pull out someone’s hair.
Now you would think with all of that, you’d know the worse part. Well in true fashion that isn’t the case, nope not in a long shot. The worst part is Lila. Yep the dog is the worst part because she doesn’t understand why we’re doing all this packing and people are leaving every weekend. So she’s been getting antsier than usual when it comes to her family. I will say that I will be glad when we get moved and she can run in that .5 acre of backyard we’re going to have for her. On that day this will all be worth it.
Until we get to the day that this is all worth it you have to take the things that happen on an individual basis and look at the bright side of it. It’s the only way to keep your sanity. Tonight we had one of the bright side moments.
Our laundry room has been a mess for awhile, broken washer and dryer will do that for you, so I chose that room to go through this evening. Lila decided that I couldn’t do this alone and made it her mission to help me.
Which of course there wasn’t anything in there for her…or at least I THOUGHT there wasn’t. {sigh}
Now I don’t know about you guys but when it comes to dogs, I just can’t stay mad at them when they give me “The Look”. You know what look I’m talking about! Here let me show it to you:
Ha! Fat chance of this dog cleaning her room. She likes to pull her toys out and string them all over the house and then snatch them up right before you get your hands on them to put them back, but of course after you’ve already bent over.
However, she does give the bestest cuddles eva! When she wants something that is 😉
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