Yesterday I mentioned that I was doing a two week Holiday Gift Guide extravaganza. I kicked off the start of my series with a Holiday Gift Guide that focused on Makeup for Beginners. Today’s Holiday Gift Guide is a step up from that and focuses on Makeup for Intermediates. 1 | Urban Decay Naked Palette Urban Decay’s Naked Palette is a palette that all makeup
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 2 Day 11
It’s Hump day and in a week of two deals a day for every day except today it shows in Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t a bad deal though. Here’s what’s on sale today at Ulta: The only deal for today is an in store and online deal and it is for the Philosophy 3-in-1 Shampoo, Shower Gel, and
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 2 Day 10
Today is day 10 in the 21 Days of Beauty that Ulta is hosting. Today we AGAIN have two deals with one being an in store/online deal and the other being an ONLINE only deal. Lets see what today’s deals are! The first deal for today is from the company Napoleon Perdis and it is for 50% off of the Devine Goddess lipsticks and Luminous
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 2 Day 9
In today’s Ulta 21 Days of Beauty deal there are two deals going on, one is a store and online deal while the other is online ONLY, so make sure to pay attention to which is which. Today’s first deal is for Lorac Lips with Benefits. These are normall $18 but for today only they are $9 both in stores and online. Ulta has these
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 2 Day 8
Yesterday’s post was day 7 which means it was the end of week one. Today is day nine and that means it’s time to start the second full week of beauty deals. Deals this week will include Tarte, Benefit, and Urban Decay! There are two deals for today and both look to be in store and online accessible. The first deal is the Lights, Camera,
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 1 Day 7
It’s here! Today is day seven which means it’s the end of the first week of Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty. I didn’t cover days one though three but I did cover days four, five, and six. Lets see what the last day of this week holds for us… The first deal for today is butterLondon’s for $10!! If you’ve been looking to add to
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 1 Day 6
Today is day 6 of week 1 in the 21 Days of Beauty sale that Ulta has going on. We’re just trucking right on through these! Today’s deal is the Smashbox Full Exposure Mascara for $10, that’s roughly 50% off it’s normal $19.50 selling price! This mascara CLAIMS to give you a 104% increase in volume, length gets a 32% increase, and a 34 degree
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week1 Day 5
First off can I just say that this my 200th post!!!! Woot woot am I excited. Might have to plan a giveaway soon or something 😉 Anywhoozle onto today’s post, as you saw yesterday Ulta is having a 21 Days of Beauty sale and yesterday’s deal was the Too Faced Shadow Insurance for half off!!! That deal is no longer available but don’t worry if
Ulta 21 Days of Beauty: Week 1 Day 4
This month is the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty steals promotion. This promotion actually started on the 8th but will continue with great deals both in store and online. Not only that BUT each day they’re giving away a set of the deal products to one lucky person on their Facebook Page. Today’s Beauty deal is the Too Faced Shadow Insurance for $10 this product
butter LONDON One Day Sale at Ulta
If I keep this up people are going to start thinking that I’m being paid by Ulta or something (FYI: I’m not.) So today’s post is another one about Ulta, more specifically their “21 Days of Beauty” sale that they have going on right now. Essentially they have sales going on in their store for almost the full month of March with a “Daily Steal”