About the Author
C. Elizabeth lives in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada and during her short writing career she’s learned a lot about herself, sometimes to the point that she wonders how the heck she got this far in life and know so little about herself.
For the majority of her life she dabbled in many things, such as drawing, photography, sewing, only to find that after a while, she would lose interest, but writing is a different story — it found her and continues to be an addiction, as well as a most wonderful, incredible passion.
Not only does she write novels, but she does whatever she can to hone her craft. Such as attending the New York Pitch Conference, seminars and the like, as well, she writes for online magazines on the topic of… you guessed it, writing.
She can be found at her website, on Twitter, and Facebook
Book Information
Soul Control by C. Elizabeth
Publisher: Wings ePress
Publication Date: December 1, 2012
Genre: YA Paranormal
Purchase: Amazon
Book Description
“‘Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil.’
Words of truth for seventeen-year-old Saydi Gardiner upon discovering her ancestry. But if she has doubts, further confirmation is forthcoming and it comes in the form of a wickedly gorgeous Nathanael Braxton, when he steals her heart and cuddles into her soul — the last place the boy should be.
Nineteen-year-old Nathanael’s unrelenting good looks aren’t the only thing that make him dangerous — and he knows it! However, his caring human self struggles with a loyalty — a loyalty that binds him to the hunt for the soul that will give his family the power they seek. There’s only one problem: When he finds her, Nathanael falls in love with his prey — Saydi.”
My Review
At it’s core Soul Control is a typical YA Good vs Evil novel, however, the unique way that the characters are written makes it so much more. Saydi (Good) learns at the beginning of the book that her long thought dead father is not only actually alive but a God as well. To make matters worse for Saydi the guy she has the hots for, Nathanael (Evil), is actually half demon. He’ll not only need to resist the pull of his demon half to not kill Saydi, but the pull of his family as well.
While the overall story was quite good and kept me turning the pages to find out more, there were some issues I had with the story. First off I found Saydi to not only be hard to connect with but just annoying overall. There were times she would take issue with things that really she shouldn’t and times where the reverse were true. Also, the fact that her and Nathanael seemed to fight all the time was a bit off putting. This is supposed to be a YA novel and I don’t think that having the heroine stay with the guy that she’s constantly fighting with sets a good example. Personally, I would have liked for them to fight less and spend more time with either her teachers or Nathanael’s triplet brothers.
Overall, this book was quite good. Like I said there were a few issues I had with it but they weren’t enough to keep me from finishing the book. If you like YA Paranormal head over to Amazon and at least check out the excerpt.
3.5 out of 5
I LOVE paranormal stuff, so this book is definitley for me. I am going to get a copy of it for sure! Thanks for the awesome review 🙂
I am always looking for books and authors to read. Not sure about this one…but if you know of any other recommendations please share….
Looks like an interesting read. I don’t read many paranormal books but it sounds like a good story!
I don’t read like I use to, but this book sounds like one I would really be interested in reading. I like these sorts of books!
Sounds odd, but interesting. I’d have issues with the same things you mentioned though. I appreciate your honest review!
Yay Canada! It’s neat to learn about Canadian authors, thanks for sharing!
I find I like YA books more than regular lately. Seems like they write more to their audience.
I love a goo vs. evil book! Sounds like it was a good one!
I appreciate your review! I’m not sure if this book would be great for me and my tastes, but I’d definitely recommend it to a few friends.
Looks like an interesting book! 🙂
Thank you so much for reading the book and for taking the time for writing such a good review. Your feedback is important to me as that’s what makes me a better writer. Thank you so much.
My husband would probably end up reading this!
I will pass along to my friends. This book would scare me and I would need to sleep with the lights on LOL
I like the idea of him falling in love with his prey it would be a book that I couldn’t put down if I was brave enough to read it. LOL
I like your honest review of the story. I have a 14 yr. old (almost 15), and it pains me that she doesn’t love to read, lol. At her age, the library was def. my friend. 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this author before! I am going to have to tell my aunt, she is really into YA novels!
Thanks for the honest review. Paranormal isn’t really what I go for when reading. I’m more for extraordinary circumstances or events in ordinary people’s lives.
Ohhhhhh this looks good, might need to put it on my must read list!
I hadn’t heard of this book before. It sounds good!
I think I’d enjoy this! Sounds like a great read! 🙂
YA novels are my favorite. Sounds like I should definitely check this one out.
This is a little out of the norm for me, but I do like the cover art, so it’s something I might pick up in person.
It looks like an interesting read for those that like the YA genre. I like that the author presented it uniquely.
Not a paranormal person, but man, is it bad that I get nervous reading book reviews now?! My time is coming so soon!
I’m not a huge paranormal fan but this sounds like it could be good!
I have never heard of this book, I have a friend that would be really interested in this!
Thank you for offering such an indepth review. So many times I see reviews that really don’t tell me more than the description on Amazon. Your reviews really give me some insight into the stories – both good and bad. I have a teen who I think would love this, especially since it’s paranormal.
I see we had a lot of the same thoughts about this book! I enjoyed it and it was a quick read.
What a great and interesting review. I haven’t read books in forever– thanks I may have to check this out!
I love a good versus evil book. I would love to Read this on a cold night and then I’m sure I could finish this in a few hours it looks great.
As a Canadian I love supporting Canadian authors!
This sounds interesting, I’ve never heard of this author before- but I’m always looking for new reads so I’ll add it to the list:)
This sounds like a great read!
Danielle at Framed Frosting
I love paranormal stuff. And I love the cover. That alone would make me pick up the book and check it out.