So a little while ago I stumbled upon a blog named Live. Laugh. L0ve. that is run by another Cassie. Today she is starting a new link-up called “Husbands Need Love Too” which focuses on the men behind the bloggers. At first I thought this post was going to be difficult because Travis blogs with me so you’ve already gotten to know him and then there are those that read the blog that know us outside of the blog. Then I thought about it hit me…BAM…why not do a post on how we met.
Travis’s Favorite picture of us
Go pop some popcorn, I’ll wait…Back? Okay, then relax and read MY version of how Travis and I met.
P.S. These pictures have no rhyme or reason. Travis never lets me take his picture and these were what I could find. However, he still might kill me for them 😛
The Beginning
I started college in 2003 at a school in North Carolina, this meant a move from Louisiana to a place where I didn’t know anyone. My first day of classes included a math class and just to tell you how big of a noob I was I totally walked into the wrong math class and sat down /facepalm, a religion class, and a history class. Of course this being my first time in a college experience all I did during the math class was just look around, which is why I noticed that in my religion class the same guy sitting in the back. I shrugged and went back to listening to the teacher talk about the syllabus, it should be noted for those who don’t know that your first two days of classes will consist of every teacher reading you the syllabus like you can’t read on your own and no other teacher has gone over these before ::eye roll:: . I was quick to hurry out of the class and head to the history classroom because I wanted to get a good seat. Guess my shock when the same guy from the math and religion class comes in and sits down. I did a little wave, to which he kind of ignored, and then did the whole syllabus thing again.
This was probably taken by his Mom or Dad
Fast forward a couple of classes later and at the end of a math class one of the other students asks me for help on a problem. I’m helping her out when this guy, the one who is all the other classes, jumps in without invitation and rudely tells us that we’re both wrong and proceeds to tell us why we’re wrong and what we need to do to fix it. From that second on I thought he was a complete and udder jerk…
The Friendship
…What can I say? I’m weak I guess. After a couple of weeks I needed a place to hang out during the 3 hours of downtime between math and religion. There wasn’t a class in the religion room during that time so the best idea was to go hang out in the religion classroom until it was time for class. Guess who else had that idea…yup Travis. At first I went in and just read and ignored him, however, after awhile we started talking. It shortly got to the point where my favorite part of the day was after math ended and before religion began, although I didn’t want to admit why.
It was actually his idea to take this picture
Fast forward to the next semester and we have zero classes together. Zip. Zilch. Zero. So I was afraid we were totally going to drift apart and never talk again. And to a certain extent we did, we didn’t have that three hour period of just hanging out that we had had the previous semester. On the other hand though we did hang-out in between classes for a few minutes and after classes A LOT. I guess because we didn’t have that three hours, three days a week we came to appreciate the smaller bits of time more. Anywhoozle, in the middle of the semester he asks me to go to a hockey game that his parents had gotten box seats to. I said yes. Do you want to know how much I knew about hockey? Zip. Zilch. Zero. Well I take that back…I knew what I had learned watching the Mighty Ducks, however, I don’t think that will win me any awards. So why did I go? I’m sure you guys can figure it out, someone else on the other hand didn’t clue into the reason.
This is how you can usually find him, talking on Vent
Fast forward again to the end of the semester and I have decided that I’m going to get a job at a summer camp in Michigan because I was back in my “Want to be a teacher” phase. Believe it or not I actually only told one person, besides my family, I was going. I don’t know why I told him but I did, we exchanged e-mail addresses and I boarded a Greyhound a few days later. You know that moment in the movies where the girl boards a vehicle out of town and the guy boards it right before she leaves with a deceleration of love? Totally didn’t happen, however, I totally wanted it to though.
The Relationship
After working in Michigan I decided to go back to Indiana instead of North Carolina. Travis and I talked back and forth through IM and e-mail until one day in September of 2004. I had finally gotten up the nerve to tell him that I had feelings for him, however, when I IM’d him he blew me off. Having already had a tiff or two that day I got frustrated and sent him an e-mail telling him what I had been hedging around telling him during the IM but in a huffy kind of way. I immediately tried to unsend it, but guess what AOL would not let you do through cell phone at that time? If you guessed “Unsend” you would be right. So I rush home to unsend it, to find I can’t because he has already read it! Well crud. So I wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. Hours later and I’m still waiting…the next day he finally sends back his response which had me bouncing on the bed in giddiness. A few days later we started talking on the phone, falling asleep on the phone, daydreaming on the phone.
Look at big head in the background there
I moved back to North Carolina in November of 2004, we were married in November of 2006, and have been married ever since. We have our ups and downs as most normal couples do, however, we both know it’s because we have such fiery personalities. We accept that, butt heads, and keep trucking on. He’s the person that when I wake-up in the morning looking rough, I mean who wakes up looking glamorous, and I’m cranky he tells me I’m beautiful and to eat something with some sugar in it. He’s the person that when I wanted to start this blog he was right there giving me great advice. He’s the person that I not only share this blog with, but my home, and life as well.
My favorite picture of us
I’ll be linking up with Cassie’s New Series
Jessica Madigan says
I shall join in on the blogging I believe!!!!
~Cassie~ says
Awesome. Can’t wait to see what you blog about 😉