If you follow the blog, you know that last weekend Travis and I went to SC to get some stuff done in the new house. We knew that we were going to be putting together the cockatiels and Boba’s new cages (Ducky is keeping her old cage because she is so attached to it) and Travis wanted Boba to be able to try his cage out. Sooooo Bobabutt went with us to SC and for the most part he was the bestest little bird you ever wanted to have. Well it’ll be easier to explain as you go through the post.
To start out with we didn’t get to leave until early afternoon because we had to take Ruth’s car to the shop. It wasn’t an issue but Boba had been in the travel cage for awhile so he was a bit curious.
Although, he did find the cars to be the most entertaining.
I was able to finally get him to sleep for a bit after I put something over his cage so he couldn’t see the very entertaining cars. We did have to keep the backside uncovered so that he could see us or he would get upset.
By time we got to SC he was ready to get out of the travel cage and into a bigger cage, but we didn’t have his built yet. This is his “purty please” face.
While it doesn’t look like it in this picture Boba LOVES his new cage. It has three bowls that we’re going to use for seed, fresh fruit, and water. It has closer together bars so he can’t try and shove his way out, the very top opens as well as the front door for him to fly around, and we put that pretty guinea pig bedding down which he absolutely loved as well. He loved his new cage so much that when Travis went to take him out to put him back in the travel cage he bit him and tried to fly back in LOL. Also, he does have more perches they are just in his NC cage until the final move.
Boba was ticked to be leaving his new cage and the new house. Poor guy, so were we but we had to get back to the other animals.
He was so mad that he spent most of the trip clinging to the side and chortling at us. As opposed to the trip down when he spent most of the time in the bottom of the cage content.
He did finally get into the bottom of the cage after we bribed him with apple slices from Mickey D’s.
So that was Boba’s trip to SC, hopefully you guys enjoyed seeing it. Stay tuned for next week’s Animal Day, and I have no clue whose going to be featured then.
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