Today is Sunday so that means it’s time for another Beauty Buys. If you haven’t seen one of my Beauty Buys posts before here are the guidelines that I follow: The sales mentioned will be ones from ad’s I receive in my Sunday paper or through the mail. The sales are YMMV (Your Miles May Vary). Items mentioned will be of a cosmetic or beauty
Beauty Buys: Week of June 2nd to June 8th
Today is Sunday so that means it’s time for another Beauty Buys … and my first post after my switch to WordPress. If you haven’t seen one of my Beauty Buys posts before here are the guidelines that I follow: The sales mentioned will be ones from ad’s I receive in my Sunday paper or through the mail. The sales are YMMV (Your Miles May
Beauty Buys: Week of May 26th to June 1st
I’m sorry this post is soooo late today. The hubs and I went out to breakfast and then we grilled out for an early Memorial Day dinner as his mom is going back to North Carolina tomorrow. Without further delay, I bring you the weekly Beauty Buys The items mentioned will be based on ads that I receive in my Sunday newspaper or in the
Beauty Buys: Week of May 19th to May 25th
Today’s post is rather late, mainly because I had to wait until I get a Sunday paper so I could get all the weekly deals to you. Instead of linking you back to my first Beauty Buys post where I had the disclaimer about what ads I will and will not be posting, I decided to just go ahead and put them in each Beauty
Beauty Buys: Week of May 5th – May 11th
I’m starting a new series on the blog titled “Beauty Buys” that’s going to focus on sales that are going on that week. Please note that these sales are YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) your stores may not have the same sales that the ads that were in my paper are showing. If that does happen I am not responsible for that. Here are a