So a blogging friend of mine, Paige from A Dose of Paige, is having a link-up. The linkup is “No Spend November” and it’s kind of like a ladies version of “No Shave November”. I’m sure if we all sat down and thought about it we could come up with an area of our life that we could stand to cut back on spending for a month or so. That’s what this link-up is about, it’s not about cutting out spending all together but just an AREA.
My area that I’m going to be cutting out is fast food. It is just so easy when I run into town to get something from the store, or I go mail a package, or I go to church to just swing through that drive-thru and grab a quick bite to eat. So unless it’s absolutely necessary, like I know for sure that next week the mother-in-law and I are going to NC to pack somethings from the house up there but we can’t stay in the house so we’ll be getting fast food then but it’s already been predetermined and I’m aiming for it being the only time that it will happen.
Now in her introductory post about the linkup, Paige says to come up with something to do when you’re wanting to spend money on your no spend category. For example, she’ll go play with her puppy when she’s feeling the urge to go shop. Since mine is on fast food it’s kind of hard to say “As I’m driving past a drive-thru and get the urge to stop I’m going to go play with Lila in the backyard.” It’s a 15 minute drive from the closest town with a grocery store, we actually do our shopping at one that 45 minutes away, so there’s no way that would be a good enough enticement…no matter how much I love my puppy. So instead I’m going to do mine a little different. I’m going to promise myself that if I stick with this and do not get any fast food out, except the already mentioned trip to NC or any emergencies like if the fridge or stove break or something, then I will purchase for myself in December the Dior blush palette that I’ve been wanting.
Mine also has the added benefit that maybe I’ll lose a little bit of weight with this challenge!
If you’re interested in participating in No Spend November head over to Paige’s blog for more details and to linkup. And don’t forget to check back on November 15th for an update to see how I’m doing and again on the 29th of November to see how I fared overall. To keep track of my progress throughout the month make sure to look for a November calendar image in the sidebar. Any days that I slipped and had fast food will have a red X on them!
I don’t know if I can do it but good luck to you I must do the free kids meals on certain days it’s a must.
We cut fast food when we went Gluten Free, I have to say I don’t miss it at all. Homemade food taste much better and is cheaper!
We can’t try that here but we can only cut down our spending.
I cannot cut out fast food all together with our crazy schedules there are some days that we spend a lot of time running around to activities and we have to eat when we can. I can definitely cut back on how much we do eat it though.
My life CHANGED when I gave up fast foods. If you can do it, you’ll feel so much better at the end of the month. FF has so much salt and preservative in it that it just fills you up and makes you feel sluggish. Good luck with it…I’d love to hear about it1
Good for you for giving up fast food! It might be hard in the beginning, but do it! That is an awesome idea for a challenge.
I should probably cut out fast food as well! It’s just so easy to stop through the drive through! I do it less now because we live in a busy area (Traffic wise) but when we lived in the country, if I left my house, I stopped at Mcdonalds or Sonic OR drive the 20 minutes to the nearest Wendy’s just for an excuse for something to do.
Good luck! I can’t wait to read your update!
Good grief I’ve already eaten out twice this month. Good luck to you!! I will have to try this!
I always say that I don’t eat out that much, but when I read your post and thought about NOT eating out for an entire month, I about freaked. When the kids are at school, I go to coffee shops to blog and such. Obviously I purchase something every time. Damn… I’d save a LOT if I stopped eating out … thanks for the reminder. 🙁 lol
This is an awesome idea. Fast food is our nemesis, I think once we are done with the kids’ sports I could definitely do it or at least cut it down significantly. I love this idea and the way you are rewarding yourself. Good Luck 🙂
I think I could really cut back on the amount of diet soda I buy. I could replace it with water and really make an impact in lessing my spend around here!
Heading to Paige’s blog now for this challenge. I am not a fast food person so I am good but I liked to shop online and offline even it’s not necessary.
This is awesome….I really would love to do this.
I did a no spend month back in August… I didn’t buy any fabric, craft or sewing supplies… and it just about killed me! LOL Hopefully its not quite so hard of a challenge for you! I would suggest stocking your vehicle with some snack alternatives so that when the huger/urge strikes, you’ve got something ready to go in its place 🙂
I love no spend challenges but I’m afraid I would fail at the fast food one. That’s so sad too!! Good for you! I’ll cheer you on.
I had no idea other people were doing No Spend November. I’m actually planning on doing that this month with Christmas shopping. The only money I’m planning on spending on Christmas shopping this month is money that I make at a holiday bazaar that I have a table at. I’m planning on selling a variety of crafts I’ve made.
Good luck with your No Spend November! I hope you’ll enjoy your break from fast food!
I’m so happy to see that you’ve joined! I totally understand the whole fast food issue, I hate it and can’t stop at the same time! I just recently gave up fast food so for the month I’m giving up eating out (except for this food truck that comes to the office on Tuesdays!) I can’t wait to see how your month works out! of luck on your No Spend November!!! Looking forward to seeing you show off that Dior Blush Palette!!