A blogging friend of mine found out about a beauty swap and forwarded the information to me because she thought I would be interested in signing up.

The Itty Bitty Beauty Swap is a beauty swap hosted by Angie and Beth.
Here are a FEW of the deets about this swap:
- Must include AT LEAST 5 items
- Must have a minimum of a $15 value
- Must not excede the maximum value of $25
- Packages are to be mailed by the 24th of May
- And the post about what you recevied needs to go up around the 28th of May
To find out more deets head over to the sign-up post (I think I got in at the last second so they may not still be doing sign-ups)

Thanks so much for joining us with this one! I’m going to be combing your past makeup posts for tips about what to end to my partner. This swap is gonna be a blast! 🙂
I’m so excited for this swap! I also can’t wait for some of the others to come around. I’m interested in seeing what that PJ Party swap is going to be about 😉