April 3rd was my birthday but I didn’t get any presents on my birthday. At first I was a sad panda about this but my hubby quickly let me know that while I would not be getting presents on my birthday, I would be getting something super duper awesome the week after. Let me tell you not only was he correct about it being awesome but he is the best hubby ever for not only getting me this present but for helping me set it up.

Today there is no big post because A. I’m nursing a sunburn I didn’t know I had received but that stings quite a bit this evening from setting up the pool and B. we’re filling this bad boy up from our well so we have to do a rotation of a certain time on and a certain time off and then pop some chemicals in. Today I’m just enjoying this pool and having such an awesome hubby.
Check back tomorrow for my March Beauty Favorites.

Awesome Birthday present Cassie!! Enjoy it 🙂