If I remember correctly this is our first ever weekly recap! That makes me so excited, we posted reguarly enough this week that a weekly recap would be helpful and that makes me want to happy dance. Lets pause for a “30 Second Dance Party”
So yeah that just happened. How about we move to the recap now.
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Scavenger Hunt Sunday |
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Setting Up RSS Feeds |
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Innovate! Innovate! More of the Best and Worse of This Gaming Generation |
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January 2013 Ipsy Reveal |
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Via |
Farewell Private Practice
Those are the posts that have gone up on the blog this week. If you’ve missed one feel free to go back and take a gander and as always leave us some comments. We love comments.
Now for the Important Announcement:
We have decided to host our own very first link-up! Read-on for more information.
What is a link-up?
A link-up is a themed post where other bloggers write posts on the same theme and then return to the hosts blog to link their post-up at the bottom of the hosts post. For example, the Scavenger Hunt Sunday that I participate in is a link-up that I go back and put a link to my post on the hosts (Ashley) Scavenger Hunt Post.
Why a link-up?
Link-ups are good to do when you have a post idea that would work really well with multiple people. For blog posts think back to the Scavenger Hunt example, that is something that would be way more fun with more people. For a real world example think of Monopoly, while you CAN play alone it’s way more fun the more people you get to participate.
Rules for the Link-Up
Most link-ups have a few rules that participants need to follow in order to participate. It has been my experience that hosts usually have these rules so that people just don’t come-in, drop their link, and then disappear. As such we’re going to start with the general rules that I’ve seen just about every link-up have and if we need to add more later we will
- You must follow your host and co-hosts (the method of follow will be put on each link-up along with the link to the co-hosts blog)
- Your link must be to your actual post not to your blog’s homepage
- This one is not mandatory but it would be nice if you were to grab the button and put it in your blog post, on your sidebar, on your Link-Ups page, or wherever you would like to place it.
Details About the Link-Up
You’re probably now asking “But WHAT is the link-up going to be about?!?!?!” I’m getting there, but before I do I need to tell you how often you’re going to be linking up. The link-up is going to be a monthly link-up that will be done on the 1st of each month and will accept submission of links for about a week after our post goes live. After you’ve participated in our first link-up the next time you participate you can also include an update on your first submission… this will make more sense once I reveal the theme of the link-up.
And now what you’ve all been waiting for… drum roll please *makes horrible off beat drum roll noise*
This link-up is about things that you can’t believe you’ve never done. For example, “As a lover of Shakespeare, ‘I Can’t Believe I Never…’ read one of his comedies” or “As an avid movie fan, ‘I Can’t Believe I Never…’ watched Casablanca” or “As a Lord of the Rings fan, ‘I Can’t Believe I Never…’ read The Hobbit” etc. etc. The way that it will work is at the beginning of each month you’ll write a post telling us something that you can’t believe that you haven’t done. You can keep going with that each month OR (and this is the reason we’re making it a monthly link-up) you challenge yourself to do that item before the next month’s link-up. That’s where the updating us that I mentioned earlier comes in, if you challenged yourself to do the item that you can’t believe you’ve never done and have now done then let us all know at the beginning or end of your next ‘I Can’t Believe I Never…’ post. Sounds easy right?!
The first link-up will be on February 1st where you give us your first “I Can’t Believe I Never…” and we will link-up again on March 1st for the next one, so on and so forth.
Hope to see you guys at the link-up 🙂
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