Soon the 2012 – 2013 Fall TV Line-up will be premiering. While some shows will not return until later in September and some even in the middle of October, there are a few that will be returning as early as this Sunday.
I thought I would do a blog series on the fall scheduling and after a lot of back-and-forth on trying to decide if I should cover it by network or day, I finally decided on going day-by-day. So here’s what you can expect; each day I will be posting about the fall TV line-up starting today, each post will list all the shows that will be on the major networks along with the network that it will be on and the premier date and air time, each post will also highlight a few shows telling you what you missed the previous seasons or what you can expect from a new series, I will then have a section featuring which shows Travis and I will be watching/DVRing.
So sit back and let us walk you through the 2012 – 2013 Fall TV Schedule.
Today we are covering Sunday (I started with Sunday because it actually has shows that will be premiering this weekend) and we will continue through the days of the week until the end.

America’s Funniest Home Videos at 7:00 pm will premier it’s 23rd season on October 7th.
Once Upon a Timeat 8:00 pm will premier it’s second season on September 30th.
Revenge at 9:00 pmwill premier it’s second season with an episode titled “Bound” with an hour earlier time slot on September 30th.
666 Park Avenue at 10:00 pm will premier it’s “Pilot” episode on September 30th.

60 Minutes at 7:00 pm will premier it’s 45thseason on September 30th.
The Amazing Race at 8:00 pm will premier it’s 21stseason on September 30th.
The Good Wife at 9:00 pm will premier it’s fourth season with an episode titled “I Fought the Law” on September 30th.
The Mentalist at 10:00pm will premier it’s fifth season on a new night and time with an episode titled “The Crimson Ticket” on September 30th.

NFL on Fox at 7:00 pm will premier with the Green Packers vs the San Francisco 49’ers on September 9th.
The OT at 7:30 pm will premier it’s after the game wrap-up of NFL on Foxgames on September 9th.
The Cleveland Show at 7:30 pm will premier it’s fourth season when The OTswitches to it’s regular time of 7:00 pm on October 17th.
The Simpsons at 8:00 pm will premier their 24thseason with an episode titled “Moonshine River” on September 30th.
Bob’s Burgers at 8:30 pm will premier it’s third season on September 30th, which is a bump up from it’s midseason replacement status.
Family Guy at 9:00 pm will premier it’s 11thseason on September 30th.
American Dad! at 9:30 pm will premier it’s 9thseason with an episode titled “Love, American Dad Style” on September 30th.


Football Night in America at 7:00 pm will premier with the Pittsburgh Steelers vs the Denver Bronco’s on September 9th.
{After Football Season}
Dateline NBC at 7:00 pm with no premier date having been announced.
Fashion Star at 8:00 pm will premier it’s second season on a to be determined date.
The Apprentice at 9:00 pm will premier it’s new season on a yet to be determined date.
Do No Harm at 10:00 pm will premier it’s “Pilot” episode on a to be determined date.

*All times are in EST time so subtract the correct number of hours for your air times. If unsure always make sure to check your TV Guide for times.
*All times and premier dates are gotten from the network’s websites so these are subject to change based on their whims.

Revenge is a show about a young woman who decides to vacation in the Hamptons for the summer. However, things are not what they seem and she is actually not there as a vacationing tourist but actually as someone who is seeking revenge against the citizens of the town. What did the citizens do to her you may ask, well it’s not so much what they did to her but what they did to her father. Her father is currently serving a life sentence for a crime that he did not commit but was framed for by the citizens of the town.
I did not watch the first season, however, after reading about the show while researching for this post I think I may go back and see if I can catch-up on it in time for the premier of the second season.
Once Upon a Time
Season One of Once Upon a Time follows Emma Swan, a bounty hunter, who winds-up in a mysterious town named Storybrooke. Emma is led to Storybrooke by her 10 year old son Henry whom she gave up for adoption after his birth but who has found her and brought her back to save the citizens of Storybrooke. Henry believes that the town is actually a jail for the story book characters that we grew-up with and they are being held captive by the Evil Queen, who in present time is actually the mayor. The characters that are the main focus of the show are Emma Swan (believed to be the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming), Mary Margaret (Snow White), Regina (The Evil Queen), David (Prince Charming), August (Pinocchio), Archie (Jiminy Cricket), Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin), Ruby (Red Riding Hood and in a bizarre twist the Wolf), and of course Henry who is Emma’s son.
Once Upon a Time is a great show that always leaves you guessing as to who the true bad guy really is. Is it Rumplestitlskin, who plays a part in everyone’s stories whether in the fairy tale land or the present, or is it Regina, who in the season finale when Emma agrees to leave chooses to take the battle a step further and in doing so almost kills Henry? Also, seeing into these characters that you have come to know through Disney movies in the alternate ways that the show does is just spectacular. Lastly, the fact that the show is created by Lost writers and Emilie de Ravin makes an appearance as Belle makes a Lost fan mark-out.
60 Minutes
Due to the fact that it’s been on the air for so many years now, everyone should know exactly what 60 Minutes is. To be honest, while I do watch it here and there I usually just see it as the bane of my existence that cut into a show I was trying to DVR because football went over by 6 minutes. However, looking back over last years news segments I may have to keep my eye on what’s going to be aired because there were some good ones that I hate that I missed in retrospect.
The Mentalist
I am so far behind on watching episodes of this show that it isn’t even funny and this sucks. Why does it suck? Well because it’s a great show, with a great cast who has awesome chemistry together, and I’m just waiting on a Lisbon-Jane hook-up. I guess I’ll have time to catch-up though as this show will soon be getting canceled. Right now you’re thinking “Cassie you should do better research there haven’t been any news articles or announcements that this will be its last season.” You would be correct if you were thinking this thought, however, what you haven’t factored in is that The Mentalist has been moved from it’s Thursday night awesomsauce spot to the Sunday night 10pm death slot. Ohhh you want proof? CSI: Miami, enough said.

Once Upon a Time
Revenge (Possibly if I can catch-up in time)
The Apprentice
There you have the shows that will air on Sundays this fall season.
Which Sunday shows are you looking forward to?

I’m excited about The Walking Dead on AMC…October 14th! Can’t wait!
OH and Boardwalk Empire on HBO! Love that one too!!! It is coming back September 16th!