Here we go again with ANOTHER a new great series, a daily photo. Travis thought that since I love photography and I have three cameras (two Kodak point-and-shoots and an iPhone) that I should get some use out of them. His suggestion was a Daily Photo blog feature. I have to admit that I’ve wanted to do something like this so I jumped at it.
Today’s (July 22nd) photo is from our trip back from SC to NC. We were down in SC getting some more items done on the house but we had to be back in NC by this afternoon since my mother-in-law was puppy sitting. During our drive up I-95 there was section that was southbound {total trucker lingo} that was at a complete standstill. As we were driving past them Travis noticed that one of the truck’s were pink figuring I might want to take a picture. It wasn’t until we got right on top of the truck that we could see that it was a breast cancer awareness paint scheme! I loved it and just knew that this would be my first Daily Photo pic.
Love the pink truck! That is so awesome. Good for you for doing a photo a day! I have wanted to do that for awhile, too, but just haven’t gotten my act together yet. Sometime soon for sure! Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I look forward to following along!
new follower 🙂
Aww thanks for becoming a follower, we appreciate it. You should totally do a photo a day, more bloggers should do it 😀 And I’ve followed your blog as well and can’t wait to see your photo a day once you get started.